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How Paid Social Media Campaigns Benefit Your Business Enterprise

Seven Reasons Why Paid Social Media Campaigns is a Must for Your Business According to eMarketer, most small and medium business enterprises give more priority to social media for their marketing and advertising purposes. Their goal of better social media presence is achieved only when their website is well designed and optimized to user experience

By |2015-05-07T09:43:31+00:00May 7th, 2015|Social Media|0 Comments

Will Snapchat Become another Important Advertising Platform for Business Enterprises

Why Businesses Need to Consider Snapchat as an Alternate Online Advertising Platform When it comes to online advertising, the first thing that pops in our mind is Google Adwords, and behind it is the social media advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads and LinkedIn’s Targeted Self-Service Ads. There are businesses that target younger

By |2015-04-07T15:13:22+00:00April 7th, 2015|Social Media|0 Comments

Why Many Businesses Prefer Social Media as their Primary Marketing Platform

Social Media is Now the Most Preferred Marketing Channel for Businesses We know that the only platform where millions of people socialize via the web is the social media, and thanks to the popularity of smartphones and tablets worldwide. This opened new opportunities for businesses to implement their marketing campaigns effectively compared to traditional marketing

By |2015-03-23T16:40:56+00:00March 24th, 2015|Social Media|0 Comments

More Customer Conversions via Online Video Reviews

Do You Know that Video Reviews can Increase Your Customer Base As the holiday shopping season started last week, businesses are spending more money marketing and advertising campaigns on the web and on the traditional platforms to attract more and more customers to their store. Most businesses go for usual marketing strategies such as colorful

By |2014-12-17T07:10:45+00:00December 17th, 2014|Content Marketing, Social Media|0 Comments

Marketers Viewing Google+ as the Next Best Social Marketing Tool

Can Google+ Replace Facebook as the New Social Marketing Platform? Many marketers who participated in the latest SES Conference that concluded in Denver are of the view that Google’s social networking site Google+ may become the next best marketing platform overtaking Facebook in the coming future. Many experts say that thanks to Google’s Hummingbird update,

By |2014-10-28T05:35:01+00:00October 28th, 2014|Google, Social Media|0 Comments

Experts Still Puzzled by Social Media ROI

More and more resources are allocated to social media, yet, the ROI remains elusive. In the absence of relevant metrics, marketers will base their evaluation of social media efficiency on guesses and optimistic estimates. Social media marketing could never work at optimal efficiency unless you can determine how well social marketing tactics function. Thanks to

By |2014-08-24T14:39:12+00:00July 20th, 2014|Social Media|0 Comments