Can Google+ Replace Facebook as the New Social Marketing Platform?

Many marketers who participated in the latest SES Conference that concluded in Denver are of the view that Google’s social networking site Google+ may become the next best marketing platform overtaking Facebook in the coming future. Many experts say that thanks to Google’s Hummingbird update, social signals have replaced links and have more importance which comes to search result rankings. Also, many marketing experts is advising marketers and business owners to be more active in Google+ since Google gets its purest social signals from its social networking site, and these signals can create a considerable impact on SEO than Facebook.

How Tackle the “Accidental Clicks” on Facebook Mobile

For the past few years, marketers and advertisers have been relying on Facebook for brand promotion campaigns as the social media site holds more than 500 millions of active user traffic. Many marketers have reported that they are getting inaccurate data while using Facebook marketing due to the frequent “accidental clicks” on the social media site’s mobile platform. For social placements in mobile, the social media site creates desktop, mobile and Right-Rail ads but the website gives more preference for mobile views.

These accidental clicks occur more when the problem with the uneven weightage is there. There is a lot of inconsistency between clicks and natural website traffic. For instance, if you are using Facebook to promote your products and when you analyzed Facebook Ads data you found that you got 850 ad clicks. In this 760 ad clicks, only four or more clicks came from desktop which means that many of the clicks might have happened by mistake or by accident.

To manage this problem, many experts in the SES Denver Conference have encouraged Facebook advertisers to test their ads across devices before rolling them out live. This testing of ads will determine whether these ads are fully compatible in mobile devices. Those marketers who conducted the ‘test’ have found that Facebook Mobile could not handle ads which are coded using Ajax and JavaScript. So, Facebook users are abandoning those landing pages which won’t load properly. So, if you want your Facebook ads to be shown across all devices, then you need to repeatedly test them before rolling out live.

People are migrating to the Ads-free Google+

These issues of downloading ads on mobile and the sheer volume of ads on Facebook could be driving users towards Google’s social media site. As you know, Google+ is free of ads, people are diverting all their social experience to this social networking website. As Google consider the number of social signals for SEO rankings, advertisers and marketers can no longer afford to avoid their web presence in Google+. Also, the internet search giant includes social signals from Google+ in their search result rankings, these days most marketers prefer Google+ as their primary online marketing platform.

With the help from professional search marketing specialists you can get a big SEO boost for your website if choose Google+ for your brand promotion campaigns