There are has been lot of debates going on whether it is possible to increase website rankings without using any of the link building tactics. Nowadays, link building is not very effective when it comes to boost SEO rankings because Google has now declared some of the link building tactics as illegal and will take action against those who try to use them. Building links as a technique to promote your blogs or your website is now a thing in the past as Google introduced Panda and Penguin algorithms in its search network with aim of detecting and penalizing spammy and low quality websites. For example, Matt Cutts, the head of Google’s web-spam division has recently announced in his twitter account that Google has taken necessary action against websites based in Spain and Italy.  According to Google, these sites utilized unnatural links as way to promote their websites which is said to be a strict violation to Google’s Webmaster guidelines.

Forget about using Link building in Your SEO Strategy

There was a time, when Google’s search algorithms had serious flaws and one of them include dependence on various links for calculating the ranking position of a website. This made it easy for website owners to trick Google’s algorithm and they could rank for any keyword by pointing hundreds or thousands of links. Afterwards, Google realized the flaws s and took efforts to improve its search algorithms and started to roll out Panda algorithm update in 2011 and Penguin algorithm update in 2012. These two updates helped Google to filter out artificially generated links from natural links and renewed the importance of providing high quality content to users. Many SEO experts are in the view that it is possible to generate quality traffic without relying on link building and there are some effective SEO tactics available to boost your website visibility in short time interval.

  • Generating rich snippets – You can use and Micro Data to generate different types of rich snippets for your website. As you know, Google is now expanding the types of rich snippets it shows in its search result pages which include songs, events and videos. You must remember that the tactics you use must be compliant to Google’s guidelines. 
  • Focus on In-depth articles – If your website contains quality in-depth articles, they can help in attracting considerable amount of traffic to your website. According to one recently published survey, about six percent of Google’s search results consist of in-depth articles and there have been reports that the traffic may increase to 10% after the inclusion of these articles. To increase the visibility of your in-depth articles, you can use Google+ Authorship, Article mark up and logo mark up in your HTML. 
  • Site speed is a Key factor – Recently, Google has confirmed that they are now considering site speed as an important factor while ranking websites. Many SEO experts say that visitor satisfaction improves only when the website speed has improved considerably. When you try to optimize site speed for desktop platforms, don’t forget about optimizing the same mobile platforms also. 
  • Updating Your Content – Sometimes webmasters forget about the content they uploaded to their websites and do not try to update them and this may leads to losing top position from SERPs. When ranking websites, Google take freshness of a site content as a major ranking factor and they calculate freshness of a content by looking at the date of publishing, how often the content is updated, amount of content changes, how many new web pages created over time and changes made to important and least important content. 

You can Get Professional Help

If you want the above said tactics to be implemented in your site for boosting site traffic, then you can get professional assistance from service providers who got the skills and experience in providing solutions based on your requirements. The solutions offered by these professionals are fully complaint to webmaster guidelines put forward by leading search engines such as Google and Yahoo and are assured that your website will get the required boost and hence your can expect better returns.