How Visual Marketing Boost Your Brand Awareness Campaigns

Thanks to social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+, visuals got significant importance in brand awareness campaigns. Businesses are now in the verge of realization that including images, videos and animations in content strategy is a viable and effective marketing option. For implementing visual-based content marketing campaigns, marketers are now preferring social networking sites such as Pinterest, Youtube, Vine and Instagram. These days many businesses including multinational enterprises are emphasizing on visuals in social networking sites and due to the introduction of HTML5, marketers are now able to put more visuals in both desktop and mobile platforms.

In What Ways will Visuals Going to Help Businesses

  • Infographics as a way of expressing your ideas – A simple text doesn’t make sure that it will create an impression but a picture that worth thousands words will definitely create an impact and is a perfect way for expressing your ideas or views. When it comes to content marketing, infographics is a great way to express your ideas as they contain images and relevant text added to it. Also, by adding infographics in your content, you can even convey complex information clearly. To make your infographic content eye-catching and informative, you must present it in a linear format with appropriate color designs and utilizing different font options. According to experts, you must limit the dimensions of your infrographic as small as possible since it will reduce the scrolling and the viewers will not get bored. 
  • You cannot ignore Pinterest and Instagram – Based on numerous surveys, photo-sharing site Pinterest generates more traffic than the combined traffic generated by Google+, LinkedIn and Youtube. It is time for you to start sharing images or infographics related to your business in this social media website. Also, the surveys pointed out that more than 21% of the Pinterest registered users have purchased some item after viewing its details in the social media site. These social media sites can act as platform for businesses to interact with their customers in an informal level which includes sharing pictures of their office staff, office premises etc. Instagram and Pinterest are particularly help for online retailers to showcase their items in a user-friendly way.
  • Videos and Youtube – How can we know about the “Gangnam style” and the “perfect split” done by Van damme without Youtube. As we know, Youtube has popularized online videos and for marketers it is a gold mine. Most marketing experts are of the view that video content will become the next content marketing in the near future and many companies have been utilizing Youtube to enhance their conversion capabilities and to expand their customer base. With Youtube, they can broadcast videos that include products/services, interviews, corporate events, trade shows and behind the scenes videos of their product development. The main advantage of video content is that it is cheap and you make short duration videos using your smartphone or using a digital camera. While making your own video content, make sure that the video is entertaining and useful to your targeted audience.
  • How about a Virtual tour – Those who have used Google Maps must have heard of StreetMap which is virtual tour feature of Google maps that allows a user to guide through places with a 360 degree view. Similarly now businesses have come up with virtual tours which allow their prospective customers to access a 360 degree view of their company premises. This type of marketing is highly popular among hotel and real estate businesses to showcase their premises to their clients who are busy with their schedules.

Enhance Your Online Presence with Visuals

If you don’t have the creative edge in building visual content, you can always get help from professionals who know ways to enhance your online presence in both search and social media platforms. When it comes to creating visual content you must add images, videos, infographics and animations as different type of users respond to different types of content. When you specify your marketing needs to professionals your requirements must include regular updates of your content, giving appropriate response to reactions getting from content you posted and changes in your website design or in logo design. By specifying your requirements, professionals can build a strategy based on your needs and can implement it to ensure that you will get all the benefits such as high traffic, conversions and thus high returns.